Category Rowing & Sailing

currachs Santander

Currachs in Santander Bay

Many of you will already know I don’t get out on the trainera much these days, but for the past year, I’ve been part of the team behind a new rowing fixture in Santander Bay called Navigatio. Inspired by the hugely successful Ocean to City race which attracts 650 competitors into Cork Harbour each year […]

santander cork ferry

Brittany Ferries Cork to Santander – so much more than just a ferry!

When Brittany Ferries announced the sea connection between Cork and Santander back in Spring, I felt like I’d won the lottery. This elation made no sense as I already have a direct flight from Santander to Dublin but somehow this sea connection felt so much more significant. Keen to check it out, I boarded that […]

Machichaco tragedy disaster Santander ship 1893

Remembering the Machichaco Tragedy of 1893 in Santander

Some words in Santander carry a burden of sadness about them and one of the saddest must be the word Machichaco. 600 people died and 2,000 were injured in Santander’s port in 1893 as a result of two explosions that went off on board a ship named ‘Cabo Machichaco’. Last Saturday, a number of associations including my rowing club, […]

Boat Santander Cantabria Spain

Rowing Traineras in Santander Bay

If we’ve met in person over the past few months, I’ve probably told you about my trips out on the bay. And I’ve probably said that I’ve seen more of Santander in the past year than I have in the past two decades. Writing about the city is one of the reasons and rowing an […]

pamela cahill 2013 santander puertochico

My Twenty Thirteen

This is the time most of us reflect on the past calendar year and I’m no exception. The big difference is this year I have hundreds of photos to jog my memory. It’s been an interesting year. I’ll remember it as the time when I started blogging, got interested in photography, bought a nice camera, […]

Isla de la Torre Magdalena Escuela de Vela 1930 Santander

Isla de la Torre – Tower Island in Santander

I’ve always been drawn to this building and this island. I was on the beach the other day combining the dangerous task of having a coffee and testing my shiny new camera (it’s a LUMIX GX1 for those of you that might be interested) when I set my sights on the island and was trigger […]

Los raqueros Santander Jose Cobo Paseo Maritimo

Los Raqueros Bay Sculptures in Santander

I’ve walked past these sculptures quite a bit recently – and the more I see them – the more I like them. They are ‘Los Raqueros’ – and the sculptures pay their respects to the city’s children that worked for a living. In Santander, the raqueros were children who scraped a living from the docks […]